Personal Evangelism


In these sessions from our UST Ministry Summer School 2020, Glen Scrivener helps us consider personal evangelism. He discusses the preconceptions we have about why and how we evangelise, how our understanding of God, the world and ourselves shapes our evangelism, and shares some very practical ideas for speaking with people about Christ.

Each session follows on from the previous one, so you may find it helpful to start with the first session.

Picture of Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener is the Director and Evangelist at Speak Life. He's teaches at Union School of Theology and has written a number of books including 321:The Story of God, the World and You and Reading Between the Lines. 
Picture of Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener is the Director and Evangelist at Speak Life. He's teaches at Union School of Theology and has written a number of books including 321:The Story of God, the World and You and Reading Between the Lines.